Parish Calendar

Parish Calendar, here you will find dates to the most important events in our parish year.

Parish Calendar Posts & Updates

Confirmation and First Holy Communion

A meeting for Parents/Guardians of children preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion will take place in Ballivor Church on Monday 23rd September & Kildalkey Church on Tuesday 24th September 2024. Both meetings at 7pm

Parish Feast Days

Saint Dympna – May 15th

Saint Columbanus – November 23rd

Parish Calendar

Parish Calendar Archive

Advanced Parish Calendar archive, see events that you may have missed.

Parish Calendar Archive

Donate to the Parish

Thank you to all who support our parish financially. We provide this online secure facility for your convenience.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for more details if necessary.

Ballivor Kildalkey Parish